
Saturday, September 13, 2003

I sat in the library swinging my legs and trying to concentrate on my notes. Somehow, weeks of cooping myself in the library had done me injustice. I just couldn't summon the will to carry on studying. I was sick of the notes. I winced as I read through them yet again. It was so exasperating. I didn't feel like studying them again, but i' knew i'd already 4gotten whta i had studied. Perhaps the main reason I was in the library was that i was waiting for HH to come. But it didn't look like she was coming that night.

With a jangle of chains, he swept into the study hall. Oh yez. this dude with a punk , exagerrated mahawk hairstyle dyed a shocking electric pink, with outfit complete with metal chains and a broken BMW logo that dangled from his belt. Everyone's gaze hung on his incredibly outlandish outfit. He looked ridiculoulsy out of place among the library crowd. Ignoring everyone's incredulous stares, he selected a table and sat down. But boy could that guy study. He sat there unmoving for 3 hours and studied. I think he had a better attention span than I did. well. appearences sure can deceive.

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