
Saturday, November 22, 2003

I never knew i had the capability of being so furious but if there was one thing i was aware of, it would be that i was a sight to behold. I was sitting in the recreational room, yelling and crying into the public phone, letting loose a stream of vocab which i never knew i possessed. I think my parents, who were on the receiving end, were probably wondering what their daughter was picking up in melbourne.

I had no idea so unreasonable a person could exist in this world. But if she was intent on ruining everyone's plans, she sure suceeded, even if it meant her losing out a substantial amount of money. J, HH and I were astounded when we heard of her actions. HH spent the day walking around optus oval in a dazed rage, while i paced about in my room in a fine fit.

It all started with a scatter brained housing agent and a huge misunderstanding between HH and R, her housemate. R thought that the rest of us were going behind her back and trying to end Hh and her lease early. Even after the housing agent explained the misundertstanding and HH tried to convince her that that was never our intention in the first place, she hit back spitefully, threatening to find another person to take over her lease immediately so that J and I would never be able to get hold of the place next year. I knew that HH and R's relationship had long been on the rocks and that the two girls disliked each other immensely. But i just couldn't see how a girl could chose a course of action which was of no benefit to anyone and that the only thing she was going to get out of it was the pleasure of watching us suffer.

So sitting amidst my packed boxes, i had to call J and tell her that we had to cancel moving day. I never felt so helpless and angry in my life. When the anger had frizzled out, v I wandered around my apartment feeling terribly drained and numb, i started to plan my next move. Life just wasn't as plain sailing as i'd like it to be and there would always be assholes in the world, sitting like a thorn in your flesh, oozing of bad karma. If i continued to rage, she would have won the game, for that was all she was after.

Her actions will return to haunt her in the laws of cause and effect.The fool, standing alone on a battlefield, yelling at the people who offer a treaty. It's too late for her to back down, and she'll see this through to the end but she'll walk away with nothing.
J and i have to return very early next year to look for a new place .It's such a waste, a beautiful plan and place gone just because of a spiteful bitch who has a fucked up, warped way of exacting her revenge.

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