
Wednesday, November 12, 2003


I was enjoying a leisurely shower when I heard the insistent whine. I dismissed it has the beeping of a reversing truck and continued my shower, belting out a tuneless version of " Never been to me" while I gave my hair a good soap. The whine still persistant even after I had towelled off .Thoroughly irritated, I strode out, dripping water over my filthy carpet and tried to locate the source. I opened the door and the beeping halted. I shrugged and pulled on my washing gloves to finish off the laundry that had accumulated in my bucket. That's when I heard the wailing of a the fireengine. I peered outside my window to see the vehicle halt outside UCA. Must have been the next block on fire again , I mused as I pulled down the blinds. Maybe I would go down later to poke around.

hUmming, I hauled out my clothes and started to scrub them, but i couldn't ignore the naggin feeling that I should go down. SO i pulled on a jacket and took the elevator down. WHen teh door opened, I was greeting by a sea of incredulous faces in the lobby. Well, fine. so i was the only idiot who ignored the evacuation alarm. Edison and his girlfriend Melanie were highly amused as I siddled meekly and tried to hide behind them from the stares of the other residents.

On Ed's questioning, a sercuirity guard said that some guy was trying to cook smth and the stove blew up or smth. Er... i hope that's not true, otherwise i'm never gonna cook at my stove again. Well.. at least i know wat an evacuation alarm sounds like now ;)

Then the elevator doors opened and a bemused looking guy strode out into the lobby.

Well, at least I wasn't the last one out.

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