
Friday, December 05, 2003

Gone with ze wind

I just finished GOne with the wind. I must say that it is an incredibly moving story which potrays its characters with an endearing depth. But one thing that I found quite amusing and rather worthy of pondering on is the ole' southern expectations of a young lady and a young gentleman. The ladies have only one goal in life -- to flirt. They seemed to be coached intensively in social graces in order to hook the perfect catch. School is scorned at. Brains are not something to be flaunted. It seems the more airheaded the femme fatale, the more guys get attracted. They have to dance well, dress well, suffer in ridiculously tight corsets, bat their eyelashes and oh yes, throw in those breathy compliments that make the guys weak in their knees.

What's this about the weak, brainless female. Poor scarlett. Aside from her selfishness and spiteful nature, she is a worthy leader and an enterprising young woman. Two qualities frowned upon by her society. Thank god we're encouraged to do otherwise these days.

ANd oh.. that itsy bitsy waist. I'll probably qualify as a an elephant if I were born in the south at that point of time. I doubt I can find a corset that fits. Not to even mention a gown.
One of Scarlett's O 'hara's favoured phrases is " fiddle - dee -dee." It seems to cover most of the conversations when she doesn't wish to think but wants to convince her beaux that she is still focusing her brain on the topic of interest.

I imagine using the same phrase, albeit a more updated version, on the guys today.

" Every word coming out of your mouth is pure bullshit."

Trust me gals, don't try this at home.

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