
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Life is just full of surprises, both bad and good. As I strum and sang the chorus of the song Big Yellow Taxi, it struck me how much the words meant to me.

" don't it always seem to go,
that you don't know what you've got till it's gone."

I was stunned to discover that one of my family friends had been just diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer.. Stage 3. He was a smiliar age as my dad, extremely active and healthy. He had a family with 3 young kids and a beautiful wife. What do you do when your pal is diagnosed with such advanced cancer? Do you rush off to see him? What do you say? My mind drifted back to our HP lectures on cancer and resilience, but the words on the lecture notes just made no sense. I'ts so easy to say in theory.. good social support helps improve the prognosis. BUt when you're actually faced with it, it's hard to translate that into words.

" Shi jie de dong xi shi wu chang de."

Everything in this world is impermanent. My dad's brother called us to tell us he had the very same cancer... though he's prognosis was a little better. I am praying hard for both of them that they will pull through. Please Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, please give them the strength to bear the disease.

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