
Saturday, July 03, 2004

Updated my photos page. i think i added a melb sem3 and i added some pix to the sydney trip thingy.. can't remember.. but yay! go cablE!!!
hai.. sitting at home.. the first afternoon in many afternoons i've actually got my ass properly rested on my computer desk chair. crrraaaazy.

Damn xian.. realised i've 2 weeks to go b4 I go back to Melbourne. This hols.. i seem to be unable to finish all the business I planned to finish b4 I fei ah fei ah fei.. I think a lot of ppl are about to slaughter me.. :) (guilty grin) sorry sorry..Will try to meet up .. I promise!

Saw HH off on Wed,( sobz) it was pretty rushed. didnt' really get to talk to her much.

Thurs went to visit a lab int eh morning.. I had absolutely no idea wat was coming out of the researcher's mouth. they were super nice, but i was quite zonked out after staying up to read The Da Vinci Code .. Pretty interesting book, rather religiously insensitive but it made me wanna pull out my world book and scrutinise the da vinci paintings...anywae, I was trying to register bits of CD4+, MHCII and something about dust mites, but they dind't quite come together..by the time the scientist started talking about immobilising hepatocytes, i was faaaar gone case. Then met aiai down in the city to shop for some of the items we were packing for kids in for the christmas parcel project.. Got this pink bunny, which i absolutely coudln't tolerate.. Okok.. my nose coudln't tolerate. the bunny was cute, but it's fur juz terrorised my sensitive nose. And i learnt.. if you perceive a long hike in orchard. do NOT attempt to walk in heels.by the time i bade aiai farewell, and met my parents at isetan ( go mango sale!!!) i was near limping and seriously debating asking my dad to drag me. . the trials and tribulations of the vertically challenged... my area of expertise.

Went clubbing with J9 n Lz last night. It was at Singapore Shopping centre.. Can't recall the name.. Club Paradigm or smth. The music was good.( my fav: hiphop) . but the crowd wasn't. it was so weird. I mean, no one, ABSOLUTELy no one wanted to dance. At first we thot it was becoz the night was still young, so we hung at starbux for a while and returned.LZ, J9 and I got fed up , so we juz stood on the dance floor shaking our booty. After a REEEEALLy long while, we were joined by others.. THere were some gals pole dancing at the side, gosh they were good. Here's weird thing no. 2, when the deejay played JT or beyonce, I was like" COOL!!!! My fav songs.." and when we turned roudn, the dance floor was empty. QUUEER.. in melbounre,playing JT / Beyonce would have invited more ppl to the dance floor. but it was good to dance... :) I miss rhoisin's classes..

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