
Saturday, August 28, 2004

I shouldn't be bloggin now. i suppose, i'm screwed. j9 just showed me a msg on topclass. apparently i should have included two more topics of discussion in my essay. and i can't be bothered to add it in . i'm over my word limit anyway. ah.. screw it. ahh.. i'm screwed.

test is on monday. wat the (*#&$(*@ am i doing here?

usual. tryin to multitask. trying to do essay, my pbl homework for nance, trying to blog , trying to do qns on topclass. LOL. i've not even got down to rev. proper. wowz. and yez, i think i'm having a toothache.

sounds like your run of a mill weekend eh?


Interesting lectures, bad lecutres. mixture of both.

had this doctor speak to uz about disabled kids and their families. really touching. SHe was a mother of a disabled boy herself. And i think wat she said really struck a chord in my heart.
HOw can we judge a 40 year old intellecutally disabled man to have the intellignece of a 2 year old? How can we discount his 40 years of life experience? Wat is intelligence anyway?
How can we say that disabled ppl can't contribute to society? THey 've help us to see the diversity and teh difference, they teach us tolerance, they make us stronger ppl and they touched teh lives of their frens and families. she was very much against putting these kids in speical schools. She pointed out.. teh whole point of schools was to teach the kids how to intergrate into society.. placing them in special schools defeats teh whole purpose. even watching a video of a severely austistic girl, I realised that she actually could communicate with her parents. The video also mentioned a 'respite." a day that teh parents could have a break when teh kids were watched over by a volunteer organisation. It hit me suddenly how much volunteering last year for the bbq meant to the parents. thanks lz for the chance to help out.

ALso had a lecutre on teh brain.. interesting fact. : when gals are shown pix of ppl they love, the areas of teh brain for affection light up on teh PET scan. when guys are shown teh pix, the areas ofr Sex and visual stimulus light up. SO THAT CONFIRMS IT. lizhen and i were laughing away in the lecture. Guys have nothing but sex on their minds. They have larger nuclei for sex anyway in their brains. Geez.. so all that mag and tabloid stuff was true. When I told nic K that he retorted.. " That's not true..." ( silence on the phone) .. " well,sometimes i guess." AH HA!
Ended up suaning him for being an mCP and looking like a monkey ( i'm quoting jas on this one...) got into a debate with nic about it too.. geez. there 's something about me, nics and debates. anyway, relax aiai.. it looks scary , but we're not about to wring each others throats.yet. anyway. Can't recall if lecturer mentioned anything about areas of the brains for wringing necks.
but anyhow bottom line is scary. everytime i see a guy now.. all i can think of is their brain and the word "SEX" and "VISUAL STIMULUS" imprinted on it.. aka how our gube magazine drew it. i'ts a good excuse to go lesbian. at least i'll know my partner is feeling REal affection for me.LOL well hH.. wat you said is true.. "guys Are visual creatures."

but on the serious side, I suppose that lecture juz helps reinforce the fact mebbe it's better to be single ( or gay)

juz had buddhist class just now. was taught about symbolisms. The flowers we offer symbolises impermance. Shen Lao Bing Si. nothing is permanent. It reminds us how not become too attached to this world. No point dwelling on something that you'll never have. greed is one of the poisons in this life. Anger arises from not being able to get what you want. Making use of my life to cultivate myself should be my aim..
During class, reverend also pointed out that the blossom was juz as beautiful no matter which angle it was being appreciated from. that was to remind us that regardless of wheter our efforts elicit praise or criticism, we should not give up and we should keep blooming to our full potential. Made me feel ashamed of the many times i gave up because someone said a harsh word about my efforts. eg. friday's pbl.
Hai.. felt very peaceful after buddhist discussion class..feel very sad can't go for the sangha offering tomolo.. it looks awesome this year.. :( .

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