Friday, September 03, 2004
Blind as a bat
Never knew how reliant I was on my glasses until they broke. No.. the screw didn't come loose, the whole arm of the specs became detached. I was staring at horror in the remnats of my trusty glasses in my hands. I fished out my old pair but they were bent out of shape, and my fat fat face juz wouln't fit them anymore. Plus when i tried wearing 'em, the difference in the power of the lens made me so giddy i think i was better off without.
Last resort: contacts
ok, bad thing is no. 1, the degree of my contacts, altho' slightly better than my old pair of glasses, is still inadequate to correct my eyesight, and i've super duper dry eyes. So I 'm groping around the place half blind and in extreme discomfort. Got quite fed up in the lecture today. I Coudln't see wat was on the screen, i coud'nt see my notes, i coudln't even see wat i was writing.
Had to fly NK's aeroplane , i was in too bad a mood to go watch the bourne supremacy. groan. i really wanted to watch it, but was too stressed coz didn't get anything down for lecture and i juz coudl'nt see a fucking thing.
Besides this bloody mishap. other highlights ( or rather, lows of the week) are my assignment: dunno wat i was writing. nic freaked me out in the morning by telling me we needed to put page nos in. Shit.
monday: lousy lousy test. should've studied harder. i 'm really not working hard enuff this sem ( slip slap.) wat teh fuck is wrong with me. GEEZ. can't focus. mebbe coz i' burn myself out so much int eh week, i can't be bothered during the weekends.
neway, dunno wat teh hell was on the teest paper, juz guessed my way thru.. s-c-r-e-w-e-d
highlights of the week:
1) Jas ' bday was on thursday!!! yay! we managed to surprise her by creeping to her house early thurs mroning juz b4 she was going to go out! will put up pix soon. it was lovely :) our first success at surprise parties whoo hoo
2) jon ng was in town in melbourne, met up with him on thursday. really cool to catch up with him. think i've not seen him for wat? 1 and a half years? Neway, had lunch at this cool jap place with him and the mumsg gang. a bit surreal. like a piece of my life in spore juz popped back into melbourne for a mmt.
feeling rathe tired and blue. sometimes i juz get hit by the feeling.. wat is teh purpose of my life?
can't wait for dad to come next week.. hai.. with my new glasses.
can't wait for tomolo's dharma session and class..
can't wait for jasmine's bday dinner
can't wait for the bbq on sunday.
Never knew how reliant I was on my glasses until they broke. No.. the screw didn't come loose, the whole arm of the specs became detached. I was staring at horror in the remnats of my trusty glasses in my hands. I fished out my old pair but they were bent out of shape, and my fat fat face juz wouln't fit them anymore. Plus when i tried wearing 'em, the difference in the power of the lens made me so giddy i think i was better off without.
Last resort: contacts
ok, bad thing is no. 1, the degree of my contacts, altho' slightly better than my old pair of glasses, is still inadequate to correct my eyesight, and i've super duper dry eyes. So I 'm groping around the place half blind and in extreme discomfort. Got quite fed up in the lecture today. I Coudln't see wat was on the screen, i coud'nt see my notes, i coudln't even see wat i was writing.
Had to fly NK's aeroplane , i was in too bad a mood to go watch the bourne supremacy. groan. i really wanted to watch it, but was too stressed coz didn't get anything down for lecture and i juz coudl'nt see a fucking thing.
Besides this bloody mishap. other highlights ( or rather, lows of the week) are my assignment: dunno wat i was writing. nic freaked me out in the morning by telling me we needed to put page nos in. Shit.
monday: lousy lousy test. should've studied harder. i 'm really not working hard enuff this sem ( slip slap.) wat teh fuck is wrong with me. GEEZ. can't focus. mebbe coz i' burn myself out so much int eh week, i can't be bothered during the weekends.
neway, dunno wat teh hell was on the teest paper, juz guessed my way thru.. s-c-r-e-w-e-d
highlights of the week:
1) Jas ' bday was on thursday!!! yay! we managed to surprise her by creeping to her house early thurs mroning juz b4 she was going to go out! will put up pix soon. it was lovely :) our first success at surprise parties whoo hoo
2) jon ng was in town in melbourne, met up with him on thursday. really cool to catch up with him. think i've not seen him for wat? 1 and a half years? Neway, had lunch at this cool jap place with him and the mumsg gang. a bit surreal. like a piece of my life in spore juz popped back into melbourne for a mmt.
feeling rathe tired and blue. sometimes i juz get hit by the feeling.. wat is teh purpose of my life?
can't wait for dad to come next week.. hai.. with my new glasses.
can't wait for tomolo's dharma session and class..
can't wait for jasmine's bday dinner
can't wait for the bbq on sunday.
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