
Thursday, October 07, 2004

The violinist and his kidney

HP this semester is really really thot provoking. Ok.. HMB lecture was about the human sexual act.. OMG.. guys REALLY think about more than gals ( 54 % vs. 19%) okok.. lizhen and i were guffawing at that stats. nic' underestimated the stats.. whoopz. but seriously, nic is right. i've never seen a woman so enthu about talking about sex as our lecturer. The way she spoke, the raised eyebrows, her voice filled with a half amused lilt as she described the different stages of copulation... well, sex was always kinda a taboo subject.. but this was one amusing lecture.. if only ehre weren't so much to memorise... gosh, i think i'm actually turned off.. ( Oh no lizhen!!! help me)

Of abortions.

I kinda enjoy HP lectures this sem, both because of the enchanting history that came with it, and also because of the thought provoking discussions ath followed the speeches. It's all very informal.. kinda unthinkable for it to occur in singapore tho'. The audience and the speakers communicated freely, launching into debates.. if only my brain could follow all the arguements put forth.. damn cheem sometimes

it's a womans' right to control her own fertiliy... or is it? The moral issue about abortion is touchy stuff. I know i will have to face the issue of it sometime in my career and it's scary thinking about how I would go about dealing with it. I don't think i can bring myself to perform the operation on a patient. and yet, i know it's necessary sometimes.

My fren said he was against abortion but he could understand why a woman had to go thru with it. He said he wouldn't allow his child to be aborted and that 3 parties were involved.. the child, the woman and the guys. He also said that it was not fair to state that the woman would be more emotionally affected than the guy. I agree with that, but after i thot about it for a while, i realised that not all guys in this world are gonna have that conscience. I 4got to ask him to stand in the woman's shoes. yez guys, think about it from a woman's point of view... The woman has to carry the phsical burden for 9 mnths, and the weight of caring for the child will most probalby fall on her shoulders. true, the guy can be there for her, but then again, not all guys are that responsible. and they can just walk in and out of the situation if they wish to. and yez.. i may be a hard core feminist, but i think it's the truth that most guys can and will disappear w/o a trace in a woman's life if he finds out that she is carrying his child and the pregancny is unwanted. Check out the no. of single moms. Even if he marries her, will teh marraige be a happy one? iz it worth it for the child? will there be even more emotioanl issues invovled?

THe woman on theother hand, will be scarred, physically and mentally for life. There is more than juz a phsyically linkage with a child that is created when a woman carries it inside her womb for 9 mths. True, Sh e can give it up for adoption but she will constantly wonder what became of it.

"abortion is more painful than giving birth"

I think parting with a child is more painful than anything else in teh world, even though you know that it could have a better life with another family. But sometimes, the emotional or physcial burden for the mother may be too much for her to bear. Sometimes, the world will inflict too much suffering the unwanted child. ...

Who am I to take a life? I imagine myself holding the instruments to perform the operation. I can't conveive myself killing that growing ball of cells or removing that fetus... i can't conceive the next step. it's juz a blank. I can't go through with it. But yet, i feel hypocritical saying: " sorry, i can't do this, i've to refer you to another doctor" . it' like giving the dirty job to someone else. Where does life start? it's very debatable. For me, i feel that life starts when the fetus acquires i'ts 8 consciousness.. somepple would say. that's wrong.. so you mean to say that ppl in comas are "not alive?" ok.. i'll be clearer.. it starts when the fetus has it's aaliyah conscoiusness.. aborting it would be tantemount to Killing another human being.. ( another sentient being for that matter) . Through , i don't place equal empahsis on all sentient being's lives.. ( i'm guilty for that one) ... i 'm not a veggietarian.. but still, i'm human. i'm fallible, i've estb a hierachy of importance to the meaning of life. a fetus amounts to more importance that say.. a chicken, but it ai'nt as impt as an adult? but don't we all ahve the same consciousness?

I guess i've to think about it, so in 5th year med, when i'm asked if i wanna try perfomrin an abortion, i will have an answer to my dilemma.. at the present. i'm still tryign to sort out the meaning of "life"

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