
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

And pop go the ear drums!

I've seriously never been confronted with so many screaming babies in one day.
My eardrums have just encountered the most damage it can sustain in 24 hours.
I juz witnessed the drawing of blood from 3 one year old girls
Oh. feel the power of those one year old lungs.
Absolutely amazing.
Now i know why they advice the mom's to stay outside,
i'll be traumatised too if it were my kid.
When they look at you, with their teary eyes, pleading for you to withdraw the needle from their little hands.
The blood seemed to be mocking us all.
Drip drip drip.
The tube seemed to take forever to feel to the where the line was drawn.
The poor baby was pinned down, swathed in a blanket which was strategically wrapped round to immobilsed the distressed toddler.
" sayang, sayang, " i murmered, stroking the poor toddler's hair.
but nothing seemed to pacify her.

The shrill cries of the baby pierced the air,
drowning out the chatter of the nurses and the bemused medical students.
repeat 3 times.

I can't imagine what mother's have to go throuhg.
If a baby screamed like that the whole night, i think i'll go nuts
When i stepped into teh MRT, and i heard the all too familiar cry
i nearly ran out.


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