
Saturday, September 17, 2005

wheeeeeeeee just finished ice skating with AIai and Calv, I learnt how to brake! I learnt how to brake!!! haha.. after trying and trying, and running full on into a bunch of horrified teenagers and finishing with a spectacular fall on my rear end. ( shan't go into the sordid , sore and sopping wet details about my ass) but I did it in the end. And yup, managed to move backwards too.


Then I went for street Jazz. The dance, not the music. At first, when Lz and I stepped in and saw everyone doing ballet like movemnts.. i was like :wtf, wat did i sign up for? My whole body seemed to have lost touch totally with toe pointing, arching, finding my balance. I was trying to dig into my memory to find a trace of my gymnastic balance beam routines, but i came up dry. So i wobbled precariously on my toes, looking more like an elephant on a balance ball than a wanna-be jazz dancer.

Then the routine started... It's so different from hip hop! The style! The brashness! Throwing your inhibitions ( and your hair) to the wind and just let go , look and feel sexy! I loved it. It suddenly hit me that this was the dance style i was looking for all along. Well, street jazz, is something like wat you see in a J lo MTV video or in musicals like fame. The strutting, the blazing look of pride and the big, graceful movements... *whistles*. It's an incredible feeling.

" stop dealing with your hair," ryan told us, after a serious of wild spins had left our hair looking like it juz ran amok after a drive in a car with the window down. yeah. apparently, we're supposed to let it swing around and smack our faces for good measure. Or if we can, we're supposed to do spins in a way that our hair gets twirled into an intracate twist. i'll just concentrte on not tripping over my feet first.

And LZ.. REST YOUR HAM STRINGS. Or they will become tenderised. I'm serious.

Now to keep on dancing :) lloooook at me!!! *imagines i'm in fame*

ok. i'm going nuts nuts nuts

Yah know, the concert is next week. and i've yet to memorise my lyrics heh.. guilty ridden confessions.. OMG.. next week's gonna be craaaaaaazy! Cross my fingers and hope the performance is goes well, otherwise everyone can juz kill me. heh :) thanks for coming guys!

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